Fast Facts

Student Faculty Ratio

Average ACT Score
Class of 2024
of Teachers Hold Master's Degree or Ph.D.
Advanced Placement Scholars
in 2024
Advanced Placement Courses
AP Exams Resulted
in Score of 3 to 5


Our Campus

Our beautiful campus comprises nine buildings, six athletic fields, two gyms, a cross-country trail, an indoor/outdoor tennis center, and a fencing center. Set on 94 wooded acres in East Memphis, the verdant landscape and elegant Georgian buildings provide a fitting setting where students learn, play, and grow. See our athletic facilities HERE, and the rest of our campus HERE.

"U" Marks the Spot

“There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.” - That’s a quote from Mark Twain. He knew about boys … and at Memphis University School, so do we.