Breazeale, Manhood Breakfast

Glenn Breazeale of Alpine Camp for Boys in Mentone, Alabama, spoke with seventh and eighth graders during Manhood Breakfast January 26. Breazeale, co-director of the camp with his wife, Carter, got the boys going with a game of rock, paper, scissors but with a twist: cheering on each winner until one remained. Then he directed the guys to pair up and talk about their physical scars or injuries.
He tied it all together by describing steps that would help them develop a rare superpower.
  • Find a friend or group of friends that you can tell anything. A trusted adult can serve this role, as well.
  • Cheer your friends on.
  • Support them when they have injuries or scars, especially the hurts that cannot be seen.
These steps are easy to describe but difficult to accomplish, he said. “Ninety-five percent of men do not have this superpower.”

After the breakfast, Alpine Camp alumni and parents joined Breazeale for coffee.

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