• Bold Vision Logo - No Crest

Our Progress

For the boys. For our future. Join us.

Now is the time to celebrate the 130-year legacy of Owl excellence by raising the level of campus facilities to meet the demands of a 21st century education and by growing the endowment to assure ongoing strength and agility.

The Bold Vision Bright Future capital campaign investment involves two major areas, capital projects and endowment advancement.

Capital Building Projects $150 million
Science Center
Arts Center
Lower School
Library and Tech Hub
Field House
Endowment Growth $50 million
Financial Assistance
Program Innovation
Faculty Excellence
Plant Maintenance
Financial Security
Campaign Total $200 million

We're counting on you.

Need counting on you copy for Progress page.



Campaign Timeline

  • Naming opportunities  ...? Do we want to use an RE form to select or just show the long list with no functionality?

The Case Statement