Chapel Honors Veterans

Maj. Gen. F. Dexter Tutor – who served as special assistant to the director, Air National Guard in Arlington, Virginia, until 2008 – spoke in Hyde Chapel about the history and significance of Veterans Day and the brave men and women who have defended the freedoms we enjoy. He held the attention of the assembled students as he recounted – without notes – compelling stories of military heroism and sacrifice.
“When you hear the words of the ancient prophet Isaiah, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ it’s the American veteran who stands and says, ‘Here am I. Send me.’ … I hope you might consider military service in your lifetime. Military service is the most rewarding thing that I’ve ever done, and your country is worthy of your service.”

In his last assignment, Maj. Gen. Tutor assisted in formulating policies, plans, and programs for nearly 107,000 Guard members in more than 200 units throughout the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. His son, Music Instructor Matt Tutor ’91, introduced him to the assembly.

For the second part of the program, Maj. John Reinhardt ’07, 164th Logistics Readiness Squadron Commander, Tennessee Air National Guard, offered a stirring presentation about the history and significance of the U.S. flag, assisted by members of the color guard from the 164th Airlift Wing, Memphis Air National Guard Base at Memphis International Airport. Earlier, the guard opened chapel with the presentation of colors as Beg To Differ, under the direction of Mr. Matt Tutor, sang the national anthem. Presenting colors and folding the flag were Tech Sgt. Melnarious Brunson, Staff Sgt. Peyton Ryan, Staff Sgt. David Scaggs, and Staff Sgt. Kendall Walker.

Finally, Andy McArtor ’86, a veteran of the Air Force and the Tennessee Air National Guard, narrated a slideshow of MUS veterans, describing how his time at MUS introduced him to a culture of excellence and honor. See the video HERE.

We are grateful to all the veterans and active military for their presentations today and for their service to our country.

To see more photos, visit our Photo Gallery. Visit our Veteran Alumni page HERE.

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