Bubones Take Victoria XV

Bubones competed at the Tennessee Junior Classical League Convention and finished first overall for the 15th consecutive time. Held at the University of Memphis April 19-20, the competition drew 358 students from 21 schools across the state who competed in myriad academic and creative events involving the Latin language and Roman life and history.
This marked the 25th victory for Owl Latin teams since 1990, but Classical and Modern Languages Chair Ryan Sellers said scholars and teachers do not rest on their laurels.

“Winning a competition like this year after year after year is never easy,” Sellers said. “The more of these contests we win, the more the pressure builds, and the larger the target that we have on our backs. We are very proud of our students for remaining focused and motivated, and we are proud of them for putting in the kind of hard work in the classroom, day in and day out, that makes these championships possible.”
The MUS delegation comprised 45 Upper School and Lower School students who worked together to score 1,654 total school points. Forty-four students brought home at least one award. They performed well in the Certamen (quiz bowl) competitions, earning first place in the Latin 3-4-5 division, third place in Latin 1, and fourth place in Latin 2.
MUS had half of the top 10 students in the state in the overall individual points competition. Senior Will Gramm led the way with 177 points. He also earned the top score in the Level 4-5 Academic Heptathlon, an achievement that earned him a plaque and $750 check to apply toward National Junior Classical League Convention registration and travel expenses. (The convention is at University of Tennessee Knoxville July 22-27.)
Other top-10 scorers were sophomore Joshua Gramm, third place (Latin 3); eighth grader Joseph Zhao, fifth place (Latin 1); and senior Bryan Ding (Latin 5) and eighth grader Nat Harris (Latin 1), eighth-place tie.
Sophomore Albert Ding was elected TJCL second vice-president for the 2024-25 school year.

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