Sanders Focuses on School Mottos

Headmaster Pete Sanders highlighted school mottos for a chapel presentation, weaving in the history, founders, and character of remarkable institutions.
Many mottos are in Latin, and Carter Wildrick ’26 provided the pronunciations. Examples, with English translations, included the following:
Groton School – To Serve Is to Rule
Phillips Academy Andover – Not for self
Hotchkiss School – Guided by each other, let us seek greater paths
Choate – Fidelity and Integrity
United States Military Academy - West Point – Duty, Honor, Country
Sanders also included mottos from two of his alma maters:
Webb School of California – Leaders not ordinary men
St. Lawrence University – Faith and Truth
Now in his 40th year in independent school education, Sanders reflected on one of his favorite mottos, MUS’s Veritas Honorque.

“What better than truth and honor? That says it all,” he said, concluding with, “Truth and honor. Go, Owls!

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