Thompson Speaks at Manhood Breakfast

L. Edwin Eleazer III Chair of Excellence in Teaching and Honor Council Advisor Norman Thompson spoke to Lower School boys about the value of the Honor System at the March 28 Manhood Breakfast. Upper School Director of Student Life Stephond Allmond ’10 organizes these monthly events to highlight the values of the Community Creed. Mr. Thompson focused upon the first two tenets: Truth and Honor.
“There is no more important institution at Memphis University School than the Honor System,” Thompson said. “Though MUS is rich in tradition, our oldest and most cherished tradition is our mutual belief that each of us can be trusted, on our honor, to refrain from lying, cheating, or stealing.”
At the beginning of each year, this Oath of Honor is recited by all:

We, the students and faculty at Memphis University School, hereby pledge our full support to the Honor System. I pledge to be honest myself, and in order that the spirit and integrity of the Honor System may endure, I pledge that I will make known to the Honor Council any case of dishonesty which I may observe at MUS.
The Honor Council, composed of two boys elected from each class and a president elected by the student body, is charged with the responsibility of seeing that the Honor Code is upheld and that any violation is dealt with fairly and justly. The Honor System is directed by the students because of their desire to be worthy of the respect of their fellow men.
“It is chiefly by the Honor Code that MUS is known and respected in the community; it is the Honor System that enhances the reputations of our graduates as they enter colleges and universities across the nation. Almost all MUS graduates are proud of the superior academic training they receive here, but most testify that the Honor System exercised the most profound effect on their lives,” Thompson said.
“I hope in some small way my words today will be understood as an encouragement to become the MUS student and the man that your parents and your teachers and coaches want you to be.”

List of 45 news stories.