NHS Inducts 71 Owls

The Memphis University School chapter of the National Honor Society inducted 71 members from the junior and senior classes in a ceremony March 26.
Instructor in Religion Clay Smythe ’85, chair of the selection committee, welcomed students and families and spoke of the National Honor Society principles. Senior members then addressed the four pillars of the society, lighting candles to correspond with each trait: William Craft on scholarship, Coleman Kimmel on leadership, Cooper Solberg on character, and Sohan Ganguli on service.

Upper School Head Zach Hansen presented the certificates, and Associate Headmaster McKee Humphreys ’01 congratulated the honorees.

“In attaining this level of recognition, you have demonstrated mastery of the academic life at a school that asks much of its students. And perhaps more important, as National Honor Society members, you have laid down a record of service to the greater good, exuded good character, and taken on a leadership role.”

Membership in the National Honor Society is one of the highest honors a high school student can attain. In selecting the honorees, a committee considers juniors and seniors who have at least a 3.50 cumulative weighted GPA. Evaluating student activity forms and leadership/service questionnaires prepared by the candidates as well as faculty recommendations and evaluations, the committee looks for evidence of extraordinary scholarship, character, leadership, and service while at MUS. 

Harold Michael Alexander
William Yen-Ru Chiang
Thomas Glenn Crosby
William Reese Deupree
Albert Ding
Charles McLean Doughtie
Robert Towne Echols
Brady Earle Ehrhart
Dewitt Charles Ezzell
Hugh Daniel Flanders
William Truxtun Fortas
Richard William Fruechtenicht IV
Sam Matthew Galler
Thomas Maddox Giel
Kellett Moore Giles
James Andrew Graham
Joshua Lee Gramm
Miller Hawkins Griesbeck
Charles Bostwick Harris
Jackson Blaine Hood
Dawson Michael Hopping
Charles Jonathan Hottinger
Advay Ramakrishnan Iyer
Muneeb Saeed Kazmi
Wallace Lloyd Keeler
Dallas Reed Keras
Kendon Bernard Leakes
Nicholas Chandler Lee
Reid Hardin LeMay
George Campbell Luton
Rohan Manne
Miles McLaughlin McCarroll
William George McCarver
Kevin Christopher McCullers
William Morris McDonald III
Reid Michael McKnett
John Randolph Norfleet, Jr.
Preston Tate Norris
Aadil Rameez Omer
Alton Feild Owen III
Kit Sanford Mays Owen
Wilson Branscomb Pace
Glover Allan Patton
Henry Thai Phan
Jacob Harrison Ray
Caleb Ronald Register
Daxton Michael Saunders
Carter Nathaniel Sayle
John Louis Simpson
Hunter Barrett Smith
Porter Clarke Spiceland
Kenneth Phillip Stalls III
William David Stinson IV
Ashwin Subramaniam
Robert Wilson Tayloe
William Fletcher Taylor
Michael McEwen Taylor, Jr.
Cannon Davis Thakkar
Henry Scott Thompson
Luke Trisno Tjiong
Henry Rice Turner
Trey Joseph Urcavich
Joseph Edward Weiss
Devin Christopher Wells
James Henry West
Carter Edward Wildrick
George Townsend Willmott
Joshua Burrell Wittber
Michael Davis Younker
Lucas Jiale Zhang
Ethan Wenjie Zhao

List of 45 news stories.