Parker Blackwell, Valedictorian

When classmates described Parker Blackwell last spring, the word “brilliant” frequently came up. They knew then he was destined to become the Memphis University School class valedictorian. In addition to his intellect, Blackwell is revered as honorable, hardworking, and kind.
As an executive for the MUS Civic Service Organization, he led by example, generously sharing his time supporting organizations throughout Memphis. An Eagle Scout and senior patrol leader, he has set a positive example for younger Boy Scouts to follow. Equally meaningful to him are the summers spent at Kia Kima Scout Camp in Hardy, Arkansas, first as a camper and now as a counselor. Older scouts profoundly impacted him, and he now strives to pay their positive contribution to his life forward by mentoring younger scouts.
During his time in Upper School, Blackwell amassed an impeccable academic record, shoehorning more AP courses into his schedule than any other student in his class. He was inducted into the MUS Cum Laude Society, Mu Alpha Theta, the National Latin Honor Society, and the National Honor Society. He is also a National Merit Finalist and AP Scholar with Distinction.
Blackwell speaks the language of STEM and boasts an innate facility with numbers. A natural problem solver who seeks out intellectual challenges, he plans to continue his study of math and physics in college. He looks forward to applying what he learns in math, science, and technology in real-world settings.
The son of Mr. Brian Blackwell and Ms. Jessica Cashdollar, he will graduate Summa Cum Laude and attend the University of Arkansas College of Engineering as the recipient of the prestigious Honors College Fellowship, the highest scholarship awarded.

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