Dr. Robert J. Marks Metcalf Speaker

Director of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Discovery Institute Robert J. Marks II will be the featured guest at the 26th annual Robert M. Metcalf Symposium at Memphis University School on February 27 and 28.
Dr. Marks is a distinguished professor of engineering at Baylor University and the author of, among many other works, Non-Computable You: What You Do That Artificial Intelligence Never Will (Discovery Institute Press, 2022), a defense of human uniqueness in the age of artificial intelligence. Learn more at robertmarks.org.

Evening Lecture - Non-Computable You: What You Do AI Never Will
  • 6:30-8 p.m., Thursday, February 27, 2025
  • Lower School Dunavant Lecture Hall
  • Pizza and drinks provided - RSVP by Tuesday, February 25, HERE.
  • Free and open to the public
Will machines eventually replace attorneys, physicians, computer programmers, and world leaders? What about composers, painters, and novelists? Will future supercomputers replicate and surpass human abilities? Are we merely meat computers destined to be outpaced by tomorrow’s ultra-powerful artificial intelligence? The answer is no. Just as math has its limitations – such as the impossibility of trisecting an angle with only a compass and straightedge – and physics has its boundaries – like the impossibility of perpetual motion – computers also face fundamental constraints. AI, both now and in the future, will never possess emotions, creativity, or understanding. These powers belong to another – to non-computable you.

Chapel Lecture for Students and Faculty February 28 - Is Your Mind the Same as Your Brain? Are You a Computer Made Out of Meat?
The Metcalf Symposium features leading authorities from around the country who speak to students about the arts, economics, history, science, civic service, theology, and popular culture from a perspective consistent with the school’s Christian tradition.

List of 45 news stories.