Terry N. Shelton

Chris Saper, Portrait Artist
The Alumni Executive Board honored Terry Shelton in the 2016 installment of the Faculty Portrait Series. Shelton joined the faculty of MUS in 1978 and retired in 2015. In his 38 years as an instructor in English he taught a variety of classes, including AP English, Twentieth Century Literature, Junior English Review, seventh- and eighth-grade vocabulary, and eighth-grade English. Shelton held the A. Robert Boelte, Jr. Chair of Excellence in Teaching and received other awards during his tenure, including the Presidential Scholars Distinguished Teaching Award in 1997 and the MUS Distinguished Teaching Award in 2006.
Along with Faculty Emeritus Jim Russell, Shelton created The Owl English Handbook, an essential reference for students and faculty since 1985. He was involved with numerous endeavors related to the craft of writing, including advising the Lower School newspaper and the Lower School Honor Council, directing awards programs, editing MUS Today, coaching entrants in the National Council of Teachers of English Writing Awards competition, and serving as a writing judge for the University of Memphis Wordsmith contest. With what some students undoubtedly considered a dismaying abundance of red ink, Shelton remained steadfast – throughout all his years at MUS – in his quest to teach the value of clear prose, the beauty of concise, direct expression.

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