John Murry Springfield

David Goatley, Portrait Artist
One of the most beloved figures in the history of MUS, John Murry Springfield taught math (among other courses) at MUS for 31 years, beginning in 1958. He conducted a seventh-grade choir and played the piano in daily chapel services and for yearly graduation exercises. An avid musician, he wrote the music for the MUS Alma Mater and collaborated on the MUS Fight Song. He was the chairman of the Fine Arts Department and, later, chairman of the Mathematics Department. In 1966, Colonel Lynn put him in charge of all MUS clubs with responsibilities for supervising activities and providing advisors.
He became the first principal of the Hull Lower School in 1970, a role that secured him indelibly in the memory of so many alumni. He is remembered as a man of integrity, selflessness, and honor. Mr. Springfield continued to give to the school after his death in 1989 by leaving a legacy in his will that established the MUS Distinguished Teaching Award to honor outstanding faculty members.

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