Andrew F. Saunders III

Sergei Chernikov, Portrait Artist
Many who encountered Andy Saunders’ prodigious talents considered him a Renaissance man. Equally skilled in front of and behind the Hyde Chapel curtain, he could act, sing, direct, and design and build sets. He also coached football and taught an eclectic array of subjects, including science, photography, mechanical drawing, religion, and astronomy. Saunders first came to MUS in 1968 as a theater graduate student to design the set for Charley’s Aunt. After serving in the Army, he joined the faculty in 1972.
A consummate professional and tireless volunteer, Saunders also shared his time and talents – as well as his jovial and outspoken personality – with area theater organizations. The stage at Germantown Community Theatre bears his name. Many associate Saunders with his frequent and robust operatic singing. As a younger man, he had the opportunity to pursue opera studies in Europe. Fortunately, he elected to settle here instead. His wife, Jean, is a Development assistant at MUS, and their son, Jonathan, a computer science and music instructor. Saunders received the Jean Barbee Hale Award for Outstanding Service in 2002. Martha and Tom Horton established the Andrew F. Saunders III Endowment for Theater Production in 2010 in honor of his retirement after 38 years. Income from the endowment funds theater productions, ensuring that Saunders’ legacy endures for future Owls who will tread the boards that meant so much to him.

List of 45 news stories.