Richard C. Broer

Carter Laney, Portrait Artist
Rick Broer brought wisdom, concern, and camaraderie to his role as teacher and administrator over 22 years at MUS. With a calm, level-headed approach, he emphasized scholarship and accountability as he challenged students to fulfill their potential.
Originally from Oregon, Broer earned a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and a Master of Education from Stanford University. Appointed to the faculty in 1973 as a Lower School social studies teacher, he also taught eighth-grade music, vocabulary, photography, as well as Upper School American history and government. He left in 1980 to pursue a career in real estate for a decade, returning to the classroom to teach at St. Mary’s Episcopal School for six years.

In 1996 Headmaster Ellis Haguewood drew him back to MUS as Lower School principal. In 2005 he shifted to Academic Dean, where he remained until his retirement in 2011. He also served the school on the Doors to New Opportunities Task Force in 2001, the Strategic Plan Task Force in 2004, and by helming the school through the SAIS-SACS re-accreditation process in 2010. Six years later he joined the Headmaster Search Committee.

He once said, “I love independent schools because of the independence – a lot of freedom, the ability to emphasize what you’re good at as a teacher.” When he became academic dean in 2005, he relied on this thought as he guided the faculty, encouraging them to lean on their own genuine experiences and personalities – just as he had done.

List of 45 news stories.