Support MUS


MUS has been the beneficiary of many generous gifts over the years to establish permanent endowments in the life of the school. If you would like to establish such a fund or add to an existing endowment, please contact the Development Office or call (901) 260-1350.

List of 3 items.

  • Endowed Scholarships

    Stewart G. Austin, Sr. Scholarship Fund
    This permanent endowment was established in 2021 through a generous bequest by Stewart G. Austin, Sr. ’62. Income from the fund will support the mission of the school by providing need-based tuition assistance to qualified students who could not otherwise afford to attend Memphis University School.

    Derek M. Clenin Scholarship
    Family, friends, and classmates came together to celebrate the life of Derek Clenin ’03 by establishing this endowed scholarship fund in 2024. Derek was the epitome of a scholar-athlete during his time at Memphis University School and left a lasting impact on the Memphis community. A man of deep faith and values, Derek’s positive enthusiasm and relentless work ethic to succeed in all aspects of life positively impacted everyone he met. Derek loved people and mentoring others, including MUS students where he coached the seventh-grade football team for over fifteen years. Income from the endowment provides tuition assistance to deserving MUS students.

    Richard L. Essex, Sr. Scholarship

    This endowed scholarship fund was established in 2000 in honor of Richard L. Essex, Sr. ’67 on his 50th birthday as a surprise from his children, Rick Essex ’92 and Ashley Essex Thayer and her husband, Jack. The fund provides tuition assistance to a motivated young man who seeks character development and academic excellence, but who otherwise might not be able to afford an MUS education.

    Humphrey Estes Folk Scholarship
    Humphrey Estes Folk, Jr. and his son, Humphrey Estes “Tripp” Folk III, established this fund in 1999 during the Doors to New Opportunities Campaign. The endowed scholarship provides funds for motivated young men who seek character development and academic excellence but otherwise could not afford an MUS education.

    Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship
    Established as a permanent endowment fund by a grant in 1980 from the Edward E. Ford Foundation of Washington, DC, the earnings provide general scholarship assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need.

    Mary and Allen Gary Scholarship
    Sam C. Gary ’62 established this endowment in 2014 in memory of his parents, Mary and Allen Gary. The fund provides need-based financial aid to students who show academic promise, leadership, and character, but require assistance to attend Memphis University School.

    Goodwin Family Scholarship
    Dana and Bently Goodwin, parents of Connor ’14 and Alexander ’18, established this endowed fund in 2017. Income from the endowment provides need-based financial assistance for deserving students who might not otherwise be able to experience an MUS education.

    Mark J. Halperin Scholarship
    This endowed fund was established in 2009 to honor Mark Halperin ’67 on his 60th birthday by his wife, Diane, and her parents, Mary and Maury Bronstein. The fund, in recognition of Halperin’s commitment to education and service to the school, provides tuition assistance to deserving students who might not otherwise be able to afford an MUS education.

    Thomas E. Harrison Scholarship
    Alumni, family, and friends established this fund in memory of Coach Tommy Harrison in 2010 to pay tribute to this “gentle giant” who had a profound influence on his students. Coach Harrison spent the last 13 years of his storied coaching career at MUS where he was an assistant coach of foot-ball and track, as well as the head coach of wrestling for several years. The income from this endowment provides need-based financial aid.

    Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. Honor Scholarship
    Joseph R. Hyde, Jr., a trustee for more than 20 years, established this scholarship fund to identify, attract, and reward students who have distinguished themselves in academics and who have developed strong qualities of character.

    John E. Marcom, Sr. Scholarship

    This endowed scholarship fund was established in 2005 by John E. Marcom, Jr. ’75 to honor his father, John E. Marcom, Sr., on his 75th birthday. The fund is a tribute to Marcom’s lifelong love of learning and commitment to education and provides tuition assistance to deserving young scholars who otherwise might not be able to afford an MUS education.

    Rick and Carey Moore Scholarship
    This endowment fund was established in 2023 by an anonymous donor to honor Rick ’63 and Carey Moore for their years of dedication and service to Memphis University School and the greater Memphis community. Income from the endowment provides access for deserving students from low- or middle-income families to pursue an MUS education.

    Carter Lee Murray Scholarship
    Family and friends established this scholarship in 2005 in memory of Lee Murray ’94. Stacy and Stan Mullikin ’94 provided the initial funding and leadership to endow the fund, which honors Stan’s classmate and is a tribute to Murray’s enthusiastic involvement in student life at MUS. The scholarship provides financial assistance to qualified students.

    MUS – J. R. Hyde, Jr. Scholarship
    A bequest from the estate of Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. established this scholarship fund. Income from the endowment provides scholarships for needy, exceptional, and otherwise qualified students attending MUS.

    MUS General Scholarship Fund
    A part of the permanent endowment, earnings from this fund provide general scholarship assistance to students who can demonstrate financial need and meet entrance requirements.

    Ruth E. and Albert H. Olingy Scholarship Fund
    Jeffrey F. Olingy ’67 created this fund in honor of his parents, Ruth E. and Albert H. Olingy. The endowment provides income for scholarships enabling deserving students to attend MUS.

    Newton C. Perkins Scholarship
    This scholarship was established in memory of Newton Cannon Perkins ’19 by his family, Margaret and John Salmon and Madeleine P. Jehl. The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of financial need to that boy who has above-average intellectual ability and a strong desire to attend Memphis University School. The scholarship is to be renewed each year, provided the student has a satisfactory academic record and excellent citizenship.

    H. Jerry Peters Faculty Scholarship Fund
    Alumni, parents, friends, and family established this fund in 2017 to honor Jerry Peters for his life of service as teacher, administrator, and coach at Memphis University School from 1960-2012. Funds from the endowment provide need-based financial assistance for sons of faculty and staff members to attend MUS.

    Reader’s Digest Scholarship
    This scholarship program was established by a grant from the Wallace Funds, a legacy of the late DeWitt and Lila Acheson Wallace, co-founders of Reader’s Digest. The income from the permanently endowed scholarship fund provides partial scholarship assistance for talented students from middle-income families who have the ability and intention to pay a portion of their child’s tuition. The maximum award does not exceed one-half of the full tuition charge.

    Stephen H. Rhea, Jr. Scholarship
    This scholarship was established in 1989 by Linda and Herbert Rhea in honor of their son, Stephen H. Rhea, Jr. ’68. Income from the endowed fund is used for general scholarship assistance.

    George M. Stratton, Jr. Scholarship
    Classmates and friends established this endowed fund in memory of George M. Stratton, Jr. ’66 in 2015. Stratton remained involved with MUS throughout his life and cherished the lifelong friends he made here. The need-based scholarship helps ensure that deserving young men benefit from the same environment and experiences he held so dear.

    Dion M. Stutts Scholarship
    Family and friends established this endowment in 2023 to celebrate the life of Dion Stutts ’24. He was a much-loved leader in his class and among his wrestling and football teammates. Income from the permanent fund will provide need-based financial assistance to students who demonstrate enthusiasm and leadership, characteristics that distinguished Dion’s life and served as a shining example to everyone who knew him.
  • Endowed Teaching Chairs

    A. Robert Boelte, Jr. Chair of Excellence in Teaching
    This fund was established in 2002 in honor of Bob Boelte by his former students, The Boelte Boys. Boelte's career at MUS began in 1969 as a teacher of history and English. In 1977 he took on the dual role of director of Admissions and director of College Counseling. Boelte retired as director of College Counseling in 2003 after 34 years of service to MUS. Mr. Samuel D. Suddarth III holds the A. Robert Boelte, Jr. Chair of Excellence in Teaching.

    Anne and Glenn A. Crosby Chair of Christian Ethics
    Nancy and Glenn Crosby, parents of four MUS alumni, Glenn '77, Mark '79, Scott '82, and Andrew '89, established the Chair of Christian Ethics in 1987 to honor Crosby's parents. The Crosby Chair recognizes an outstanding educator, in an academic discipline selected by the headmaster, who is an exemplar of Christian ethics in the classroom and in daily life, promoting the mission of MUS to develop "well-rounded young men of strong moral character, consistent with the school's Christian tradition." Dr. Jonathan M. Jones holds the Crosby Chair of Christian Ethics.

    L. Edwin Eleazer III Chair of Excellence in Teaching
    The Chair of Excellence in Teaching was established at MUS in 1998 by Ed and Katie Dobbs Eleazer in memory of their son, Ed Eleazer III '94. The Eleazer Chair is made possible through gifts provided by the James K. Dobbs, Jr. Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis and by the Eleazers. The permanent endowment supporting the Eleazer Chair will enable the school to attract outstanding new faculty or to recognize excellent teaching by a current faculty member in an academic discipline designated by the headmaster. Mr. Norman S. Thompson, Jr. holds the Eleazer Chair of Excellence in Teaching.

    Sally and Wil Hergenrader Chair of Excellence in Science
    Recognizing that the best leadership and teaching are required in the rapidly changing field of science, Sally and Wil Hergenrader endowed this chair in 2007 to support and enhance the MUS faculty in the Science Department. The Hergenraders are the parents of Terry ’75 and Steve ’77 and the grandparents of Wil ’12 and Lewis ’15. Dr. Kyle C. Summers holds the Sally and Wil Hergenrader Chair of Excellence in Science.

    Robert J. Hussey, Sr. Chair of Religion
    Edwin '63, Richard, and Robert J. Hussey, Jr. established the Chair of Religion in 1984 to honor their father, Robert J. Hussey, Sr., a founding member of the Board of Trustees of the new MUS and a long-time benefactor of the school. Mr. S. Clay Smythe ’85 is the Robert H. Hussey, Sr. Instructor of Religion.

    Sue Hightower Hyde Chair of English
    This chair was established in 1963 by the Hyde family and renamed in 1977 in memory of Sue Hightower Hyde, wife of Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. Sue Hyde was a lover of books, was interested in education, and actively supported her husband in his educational philanthropies. Mr. William L. Askew III is the Sue Hightower Hyde Instructor of English.

    Ross McCain Lynn Chair of History
    A former patron of MUS established this chair in 1964 in honor of Colonel Ross M. Lynn, one of the founders of the new Memphis University School and its first headmaster. Mr. Jonathan M. Large holds the Ross McCain Lynn Chair of History.

    Ruth McCaughan Morrison Chair of Science
    Former chairman of the Board of Trustees, William P. "Buddy" Morrison, along with his sons, John, Price '75, and Joe '78, established this chair in 1984 to honor his wife and their mother, Ruth McCaughan Morrison. Mr. Lee B. Loden is the Ruth McCaughan Morrison Instructor of Science.

    Pam and George Sousoulas Chair of Economics
    The Chair of Economics was established in 2021 in memory of Pam Williams Sousoulas by her husband, George James Sousoulas ’78, and their sons, Norfleet ’10 and Wills Abston ’13, and Michael ’08, Evan ’11, and John Sousoulas ’12. The endowment will support and enhance the teaching of fundamental economic theory, concepts, and issues, as well as capital markets. Mr. Orlando R. McKay holds the Pam and George Sousoulas Chair of Economics.

    Donald Bailey Wiener Chair of Mathematics
    The endowed Chair of Mathematics was established in 1985 in honor of Donald B. Wiener through a gift from his brother, Russel Lee Wiener, and his sons, Bailey and Lee '63. Mrs. Nancy N. Gates is the Donald Bailey Wiener Instructor of Mathematics.
  • Special Endowed Funds

    W. Preston Battle Library Collection
    This fund is named in memory of the Honorable W. Preston Battle and in honor of Walter Preston Battle IV '07 and John Neely Battle '09. The endowment was established in 2000 by Neely S. and W. Preston Battle III '71 to provide income to the Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. Library Learning Center for the acquisition of books by and about American writers.

    Cobbins Family Endowment
    Alumni and friends established this endowment in 2021 to pay tribute to Shirley Peace Cobbins and her sons, Donnell ’89 and Darrell ’91, who were among the first Black students to attend Memphis University School. Funds from the endowment provide a flexible source of discretionary resources to advance the school’s effort to foster diversity and support a climate of equity and inclusion.

    Distinguished Teaching Award
    This permanent endowment fund was established in 1990 through a generous bequest by John Murry Springfield. Springfield joined the Memphis University School faculty in 1958 and served as an instructor in English and mathematics until 1971. From 1971 until his death in August 1989, Springfield served as principal of the Hull Lower School. The monetary award is given annually to an MUS faculty member who demonstrates excellence in both the classroom and extracurricular activities.

    Faculty Endowment Fund
    A part of the permanent endowment, earnings from this fund provide financial assistance that adds a measure of quality as reflected in enhanced faculty salaries.

    Edward E. Ford Foundation Sports Facility Fund
    This fund was endowed in 1989 by the Edward E. Ford Foundation to provide for the operation and maintenance of the Sue H. Hyde Sports and Physical Education Center.

    Edward E. Ford Foundation Teachers Fund
    Endowed by the Edward E. Ford Foundation in 1984, this fund was established to enhance faculty salaries so that MUS can attract and retain excellent classroom teachers.

    Edward A. Grinder Endowment for Science
    This fund was established in 2017 in honor of Edward A. Grinder ’22 by his parents, Megan and Brett Grinder ’91. Income from the endowment provides discretionary funding for the Science Department, including the purchase of supplies and equipment, additional programs, or funding professional development for Science Department faculty.

    Ellis L. Haguewood Legacy Endowment
    The Board of Trustees established this endowment in honor of Headmaster Ellis Haguewood upon his retirement in 2017. For 22 years as headmaster and 26 years previously as an English teacher, Mr. Haguewood fostered our hallowed mission of academic excellence, cultivation of service and leadership, and the development of well-rounded young men of strong moral character. Income from the endowment will be used to prepare boys for tomorrow’s challenges with 21st century learning tools while remaining true to our traditions; recruiting and retaining expert teachers; attracting the best and brightest young men; keeping MUS affordable; and cultivating leaders who will make a difference in their communities and the world.

    Jean Barbee Hale Award for Outstanding Service
    The Jean Barbee Hale Award for Outstanding Service was established in 1998 by family and friends to honor Jean Hale for her 24 years of service and dedication to Memphis University School. The income from the endowment provides a monetary award that is given each year to a member of the MUS family who has exhibited outstanding loyalty, responsibility, dedication, and commitment to excellence in service to the school.

    Hale Fellowship for Faculty Development
    The income from this fund provides the financial support for a faculty member to pursue professional research, study, and travel during the summer months. Ben Hale created the first such fund at MUS in 2002 to honor his sons: Scott '78, Dennis '80, and Steve '84. Faculty members submit proposals each year from which the Hale Fellow is selected.

    Dot and Bill Halliday Faculty Fellowship Endowment
    This endowment makes essential funds available for professional research, study, and travel by faculty. Income from this fund, which was established through the estate of Dot and Bill Halliday with the support and encouragement of their children, Charles B. Allen IV ’77, Dorothy Halliday Butler, William P. Halliday III ’82, and Allen P. Halliday ’85, provides support for faculty professional development. Dot and Bill were active parents and supporters of the school for many years. In addition, Dot operated the bookstore from 1979 to 2001 and was a friend and colleague of much of the administration and faculty at MUS. Their love for the school, the boys, the faculty, and the staff forms the basis for this gift and its purpose.

    Halliday Library Collection
    Dot and Bill Halliday established the Halliday Library Collection in 2000 to support the resources of the Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. Library Learning Center. Earnings from the endowment provide funds for the purchase of books and journals. Dot Halliday was a long-time MUS bookstore staff member. The Hallidays have three sons who attended MUS: Charles B. Allen '77, William P. Halliday III '82, and Allen P. Halliday '85.

    Joseph R. Hyde III Faculty Endowment Fund
    This fund was established in 1989 in honor of alumnus and board member Joseph R. "Pitt" Hyde III '61. Earnings from the endowment provide income used for the improvement of faculty salaries.

    Journalism Summer Fellowship Endowment
    Former editors and staff of The Owls' Hoot established this fund in 2008 in honor of Norman S. Thompson's 35th anniversary at Memphis University School. Income from the endowment provides tuition and travel expenses for The Owls' Hoot editor to attend the Columbia Scholastic Press Association journalism workshop at Columbia University each summer.

    Library Endowment Fund
    A part of the permanent endowment, earnings from this fund provide budgetary assistance that is designated specifically for use in procuring books and resources for the Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. Library Learning Center.

    Loeb Endowment for Academic Support
    As MUS raises its academic standards, the school must likewise raise its level of academic support. Board of Trustees Chairman Robert E. Loeb '73 established this endowment in 2003 during the Doors to New Opportunities Campaign. The income is used by the academic dean to develop and fund programs that provide academic support.

    Challace J. McMillin Defensive Coaching Fund
    This endowment was established in 2017 by players from the 1967 football team to honor the distinguished career of their defensive coach, Challace McMillin. Income from the endowment provides professional development opportunities for coaches to ensure that the best defensive strategies and current training techniques are available to MUS athletes.

    Fontaine Moore Summer Camp Fellowship
    This endowment fund was established in 2019 through a generous bequest by Memphis University School alumnus Fontaine B. Moore III ’70. Income from the endowment provides funds to allow a rising seventh grade student to attend Alpine Camp in Mentone, Alabama, in addition to MUS summer programs. Qualified students from Presbyterian Day School or Christ Methodist Day School are selected by the MUS administration. The fellowship is renewable for three years and includes camp tuition, supplies, and travel expenses.

    MUS Student Travel Endowment
    In 1958 Instructor in English William R. Hatchett led the first of 15 MUS study excursions to Europe, crossing the Atlantic by steamship with a group of students. Metcalf Crump ’60 had the good fortune of joining that inaugural trip. While exploring scores of historic, iconic buildings, he was inspired to become an architect. In 2019, informed by that life-changing journey, Crump established this endowment fund in memory of Mr. Hatchett to provide scholarships for students to participate in similar study/travel programs offered by the school. Earnings from this endowment provide grants for students to participate in study travel led by an MUS teacher or otherwise sanctioned by the school. Students must apply for the travel grants, which are awarded with the approval of the school administration.

    John M. Nail Endowment Fund
    This fund was established in 1988 in memory of John M. Nail by his former students. Nail taught English and history at MUS in the late 1950's, instilling in his students an enduring "love of learning." Income from the endowment provides funds to support faculty development: (1) the John M. Nail Outstanding Teaching Award, (2) the John M. Nail Teaching Fellowship, and, (3) the John M. Nail Departmental Award. The recipient of the awards and fellowship is determined by the Senior Class and is presented each year to a faculty member who teaches in the Upper School.

    Mark Cooper Powell Award Fund
    Given in honor of Mark Cooper Powell '80 by his parents, Marilyn and Edward Powell, income from this fund provides an award to the graduating senior who, through persistence and courage during his career at Memphis University School, has shown the greatest development of character and scholarship.

    James C. Rainer IV Family Library Collection
    Missy and Jim Rainer '77 established this fund in 2000 in honor of their sons: Jimbo '05, Alex '06, Peter '10, and Wil '13. Income from the endowment provides funds to purchase books by and about Southern writers for the Joseph R. Hyde, Jr. Library Learning Center.

    Jackson James Roberts Fellowship
    Family and friends established this endowed fund in 2018 to commemorate the life of Jackson Roberts ’14, whose infectious energy and passion for life lifted those around him. Income from the endowment provides students with opportunities for personal growth by enabling them to pursue academic, athletic, service, or leadership programs during the summer. Returning with new skills and knowledge to share, the Roberts Fellows will enhance the character and development of the MUS community. The fellowships, for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors, are determined by approval of the school administration.

    King and Judy Rogers Endowment for Leadership Development
    Judy and King Rogers, parents of King W. Rogers IV '98, provided this endowment in 2000 to fund annual leadership development programs for MUS students. The income from the fund provides the resources for a renowned speaker on leadership, quarterly workshops for juniors and seniors, and additional leadership programming.

    Andrew F. Saunders III Endowment for Theater Production
    Martha and Tom Horton established this fund in 2010 to honor Andy Saunders at the time of his retirement from MUS after 38 years on the faculty. Income from the endowment provides funding for theater productions.

    DeWitt M. Shy, Jr. Mock Trial Fund
    Classmates, family, friends, and colleagues of DeWitt M. Shy, Jr. ’69 established this memorial fund in 2017. Shy, a partner with Burch, Porter & Johnson and a successful litigator, was routinely recognized among The Best Lawyers in America. Income from the endowment funds the Mock Trial program and provides an annual award recognizing an outstanding member of the team.

    Roy E. Winegardner Fellowships
    Former Trustee Michael D. Rose established this fund in 2010 to honor the memory of his friend and mentor, Roy E. Winegardner. Former chairman and CEO of Holiday Inns, Inc., Winegardner was a pioneer and leader in the hospitality industry and the father of alumnus Diego P. Winegardner ’87. The income from the endowment provides summer fellowships to enrich student talents and the intellectual and leadership climate of MUS. The fellowships, for rising juniors and seniors on need-based financial aid, are determined by approval of the school administration.

Advancement Team:

List of 9 members.

  • Photo of Perry Dement

    Perry Dement 

    Asst. Head for Advancement
    (901) 260-1353
    Georgetown University
    Rhodes College - BA
  • Photo of Harvey Kay

    Harvey Kay 01

    Development Dir.
    (901) 260-1356
    University of Memphis - BA
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville - BA
  • Photo of Ellen Celosky

    Ellen Celosky 

    Annual Fund Dir.
    (901) 504-1003
    University of Memphis
    Birmingham-Southern College
  • Photo of Ann Laughlin

    Ann Laughlin 

    Alumni & Parent Programs Dir.
    (901) 260-1398
    University of Mississippi - BA
  • Photo of David Willson

    David Willson 99

    Basketball Head Coach, Annual Fund Asst. Dir.
    (901) 504-3260
    Hampden-Sydney College - BA
    Southern Methodist University - Non-Graduate
  • Photo of Griffen Walden

    Griffen Walden 17

    Annual Fund/Alumni Programs Asst. Dir.
    (901) 260-1412
    University of Arkansas - BA
    University of Arkansas - MA
  • Photo of Stacy Phillips

    Stacy Phillips 

    Campaign Coordinator
    (901) 222-0695
  • Photo of Jean Saunders

    Jean Saunders 

    Advancement Services Manager
    (901) 260-1358
    Harding University - BA
    Harding School of Theology
  • Photo of Stephen Hickman

    Steve Hickman 76

    Alumni Engagement Officer
    (901) 329-4005
    Johns Hopkins University - MS
    Brenau University - MEd
    George Mason University - JD
    Loyola University - BS